Rajasthan Heritage Expedition
A LEGENDARY LAND characterized by a patchwork of kingdoms and principalities ruled by Maharajas, Rajas, Ranas, and Rawals before independence. Bards that roam the countryside, picking out complex tunes on single stringed instruments, still sing of heroic battles, outcrops transform themselves into proud stone forts that stand sentinel over the land. It's not difficult to picture a line of loyal warriors marching down the hillside, ready to fight. If you listen carefully, the breath of the breeze brings you faint echoes of clashing armour , neighing of horses and above it all, the spine chilling trumpet of a charging elephant.
Today, many of the Forts and palaces have opened their door to visitors as luxury hotels and resorts. These, which are frequently owned by members of the former ruling families, have given not only the building but also the culture a new lease on life. Staying here is like travelling back in time to a more gracious, graceful, and romantic age.
Starting in Delhi, modern India's capital, this itinerary takes you across the country, bringing the vibrant colours of the desert state to life. Visit the sand dunes of Manvar or Osiyan, as well as the Rajputana kingdoms of Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Udaipur, and Jaipur, where the old ways persist even after democracy has handed power to the people. Former rulers are still addressed as "father," "protector," and "food provider" in most countries, and command both respect and loyalty. Although the pomp and circumstance might not be as spectacular as it once was, catching a glimpse of the royal lifestyle can be a fascinating and unforgettable experience with Best Rajasthan Tour Packages.